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Humans of Company One: SHOCKHEADED PETER actor Jake Athyal

jake2You have never acted before CHAD DEITY. You were a journalism major in school, right? What made you audition for the part?

Yeah I was, I was a journalism major at Suffolk. And it came down to a point in the audition process when you’re looking for an Indian man who is physically fit and considers himself an athlete, the pool becomes very very small.

Do you consider yourself an athlete?

Yes, I would definitely consider myself an athlete. I did track. I was a gymnast during my freshman year. That was a very painful 8-9 months of my life, but it paid off because I got into CHAD DEITY. The other people who were cast were extremely fit and extremely athletic so it was more someone who could go up to their level as well. Continue reading

Link Roundup! – 1/9/15

Link Roundups feature articles and bits of internet goodness that our dramaturgy team digs up. If you find something you want to send our way, drop us a line on Facebook or Twitter!


Mona, 28, narrates during a rehearsal of Antigone. "I feel that Antigone resembles me a lot," says the former resident of Damascus and mother of two. Photo by Dalia Khamissy for NPR.

Mona, 28, narrates during a rehearsal of Antigone. “I feel that Antigone resembles me a lot,” says the former resident of Damascus and mother of two. Photo by Dalia Khamissy for NPR.

NPR has a story about a group of Syrian refugee women who are performing an adaptation of Antigone as a form of healing, incorporating their own experiences into the text.

Mona goes on to say she now feels Antigone with her when she’s cooking and cleaning, even in her dreams. Sometimes she feels brave and defiant like the tragic heroine, even if at other moments — like when she’s harassed on the street by men — she is timorous and silent.


This Illustrated Guide to Superhero Movies that pass the Bechdel Test is the perfect article for anyone who shares our interest in gender parity and general geekery.


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Are you between the ages of 15 and 18? Interested in working with Company One Theatre as a Production Apprentice? Register here now through October 24th to receive an application and set up an interview!



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Aditi is a super talented writer, performer and director. Of Bulgarian and Indian descent, she was raised in Sweden, and resides in Minneapolis, MN. She has performed extensively in the Twin Cities and around the country, and her writing has been nationally produced to critical acclaim. Her play LOVE PERSON received the 2009 Stavis Playwriting Award. Her play, AGNES UNDER THE BIG TOP, A TALL TALE, was selected as a Distinguished New Play Development project by the NEA as administered by Arena Stage, and recently premiered at Mixed Blood Theatre, Long Wharf Theatre, and Borderlands Theatre. Her latest work, THE DISPLACED HINDU GODS TRILOGY, consisting of the plays BRAHMAN/I, A ONE-HIJRA STAND-UP COMEDY SHOW, THE CHRONICLES OF KALKI, and SHIV, premiered in repertory at Mixed Blood Theatre in October 2013. Aditi is currently working on commissions from Yale Repertory Theatre, La Jolla Playhouse, and South Coast Repertory Theatre.

As with all Company One productions, there are many ways you can purchase tickets. To purchase tickets online, visit:  You can call 617-933-8600 to purchase over the phone or you can purchase tickets in person at the Calderwood Pavilion Box Office, 527 Tremont Street, Boston. If you are interested in seeing the entire trilogy, make sure to check out our special Marathon Day deals when purchasing!

Three plays! Two theatres! It’s going to be great! THE DISPLACED HINDU GODS TRILOGY contains three individual plays based loosely around the Hindu trinity of Brahma the creator, Vishnu the protector, and Shiva the destroyer. THE CHRONICLES OF KALKI and SHIV both take place in the Plaza Theatre, while BRAHMAN/I: A ONE HIJRA STAND-UP COMEDY SHOW will be performed in the Black Box.  The two theatres share the same lobby, where you can find concessions, our lobby bookstore, and much more.  All three plays are performed separately, but if you want to settle in for a grand theatrical experience, join us on a marathon weekend day and see them all!  

The trilogy is made up of three plays, and each play counts as one show.  One ticket to each show is included with your Company Card.

There is! Join us on a Saturday or Sunday and buy a “marathon” ticket to see all three shows in one day at a discounted price.

You can see them in any order. Each part of the trilogy is an independent piece with its own story. That being said, there are a variety of Easter eggs sprinkled throughout the trilogy and we encourage you to see all three to join in on the fun.  

Unfortunately, we can’t make that decision for you. Every child has a different level of maturity, and every parent has a different set of boundaries for what their child is ready to experience. That being said, with regards to the 8-year-old: probably not. The 13-year-old is right on the bubble; it would take a very mature 13-year-old to handle the content. On the other hand, some of the characters in the play are almost that young. As for the 17-year-old: again, we can’t speak for everyone, but we’d be willing to bet that THE DISPLACED HINDU GODS doesn’t contain anything he or she hasn’t heard before, although perhaps not on stage. We’re aware that language on the stage has a different impact than it does on the playground. Each piece has a different tone and deals with different themes. You might find that one piece seems to be more appropriate for your child than another. Take a look at our show synopses here for a better understanding of each play.  