This article from by Hanna Rosin talks about how people say they are “too busy,” but in reality people have more free time than they think they do and don’t realize it. Rosin also discusses how being busy is seen as a “virtue,” which can lead to unhealthy results. Read the article here.
Author Archives: admin
TCG Circle: Bag & Baggage is Unique
This article by Scott Palmer, artistic director of Bag&Baggage in Hillsboro, OR, talks about how their recent grant from Met Life/TCG’s A-Ha Program: Think It, Do It, enabled them to connect with communities unaccustomed to theatre. They discovered how the language they use to talk about their company is hitting their rural neighbors to the west in addition to other discoveries they’ve made in their research. Read the article here.
Star Tribune: A Moment of Unprecedented Diversity on Twin Cities Stages
This Star Tribune article details how theatre companies in the twin cities have addressed concerns regarding diversity in their current season’s programming. Read the article here.
MASSCreative: Arts Funding Slashed by 50%
A proposed budget by the Massachusetts House Ways and Means Committee recommends cutting the Massachusetts Cultural Council’s budget from $11.1 million to $5 million in the next fiscal year. Read the article here and reach out to your local representatives to tell him/her to support Rep. Cory Atkins’ proposed $16 million budget for the Massachusetts Arts Council instead.
Miami Herald: Tax Proposal to Help Live Theatre Brings Out Stars
This Miami Herald article talkes about a proposed change in the federal tax code that would allow 100% of any investment in live theatre to be deducted up to $15 million per production, regardless of whther the show is a success or failure. Read the article here.
Arts Journal: We the Audience
The Writing Life x3: Creating a Diverse World
In this blog post, writer Patrick Gabridge talks about the need for white writers to specify the race of the characters in their plays and how the racial make-up of theatre companies make just as powerful a statement, if not moreso, about diversity in theatre. Read the article here.
WBUR: Report Shines New Light On Boston’s Inequality
In a study done by the Brookings Institution, it finds that Boston has the 4th highest rich-to-poor income ratio in the country after Atlanta, San Francisco, and Miami. Read the report here.
Arts Professional: Live Streaming Explored
This article from Arts Professional, a UK magazine, explains how live streaming theatrical performances creates new opportunities in areas such as audience engagement, marketing, fundraising, education and brand awareness. Read the article here.
Thoughts on The Theater: Arts Education Won’t Save Us From Boring, Inaccessible Theater
In his post, playwright Mike Lew argues that a lack of education is not the reason that young people do not pay to see theatre and instead offers an alternative reason as to why young people would rather spend their money on other activities. Read the post here.