Author Archives: admin

TCG: Complex Racial Themes in Theatre

In this TCG article, writer Keith Josef Adkins discusses the Trayvon Martin project, which is six ten-minute plays involving issues raised by the Martin-Zimmerman case that will be staged at theatres across the country. Also, in this article, playwrights discuss how today’s generation of writers are writing more complexly both stylistically and content-wise regarding issues about race, and they talk about engaging the audience in a dialogue once the show is over. Read the article here.

LA Times: Mandela’s Influence on Art

In this LA Times article, playwright and director Emily Mann discusses Nelson Mandela’s influence on theatre during apartheid in South Africa and how he continues to inspire artists today. Read the article here.

Book Launching Event at Central Square Theatre

On February 3 at 7 p.m., Underground Railway Theatre, in connection with Community Change, is co-hosting a book launch event for Waking Up White, written by Debby Irving. This event is part of URT’s commitment to diversity and inclusion an important part of its company. Community Change is an organization dedicated to focusing of systematic racism’s effects. All board and staff members of all theatre companies are encouraged to attend. There will be a Q&A with conversation, and the author will be interviewed. The event is at Central Square Theatre, located in Cambridge, MA.

HowlRound: Antipermanence: An Argument for Increased Infrastructural Ephemerality in America’s Nonprofit Theaters

On HowlRound, theatre artist Annah Feinberg wrote an essay piece called Antipermanence: An Argument for Increased Infrastructural Ephemerality in America’s Nonprofit Theatres. In this essay, Feinberg states that the downfall of nonprofit theatre comes from an increased importance on job security and sustenance. In addition, she argues that the original idea that the nonprofit theatre movement was founded on is largely economically unfeasible in the long term. Read the entire essay here.

Jumper: Artistic Homes? Excerpts From a Recent Talk…

On Jumper, an blog created by theatre artist Diane Ragsdale, Ragsdale recounts a talk she gave at a conference in Edinburgh about rethinking and reframing the idea of becoming a building-based arts organization. In her blog post, she lays out the core belief, the supporting beliefs, the opposing supporting beliefs, and then creates a new core belief. Read her post here.