Production Quick Links: About the Production | Amplifying Action | Related Events | About the Team | Photos and Lobby Experience | Press
GR Production Template
by Playwright (Heading 2)
directed by Director (Heading 3)
dramaturgy by Dramaturg (Heading 3)
in partnership with Partner Names (Heading 3)
Mar 9 - Mar 9, 2025
This is where the main production blurb lives! (You’ll edit this section on the front-end of the DIVI Visual Builder.) About blurbs: originally drafted for the season announcement press release, we refine each show’s blurb as a team before that individual production’s press release goes out, to make sure it’s still in line with how the project has evolved since it was announced. Once that revision has happened, we keep the blurb consistent across the website, eblasts, postcard, and any other promotional materials.
The second paragraph of the blurb serves as a short, punchy sentence that can stand on its own for spaces where the full blurb is too long to include. See can i touch it? for a great example.
Masking and Vaccination Protocols
This box is edited on the front-end of the DIVI Visual Builder. Be sure to confirm the specifics of any Covid protocols with the full team (and any producing partners) before they are included publicly. If we don’t need this box in the future, you can delete it from the front end.
Press and Buzz
Recommended for ages ?? and up.
This production includes [add content warnings here on the front-end DIVI Visual Builder].
Producing Partners
Company One Theatre is producing
[name of production] to AMPLIFY:
Each production has a series of bullet points we call Amplify Language.
They serve as both internal and external guideposts speaking to WHY we are producing a play, and for whom.
These are refined with the full team, often with leadership from New Work and Connectivity.
You can edit these bullet points from the front-end of the DIVI Visual Builder.
Connectivity Partners
Be sure to check in with Connectivity before the production page goes live to ask whether we have any confirmed connectivity partners.
Often, partnerships continue to develop and be added throughout the rehearsal process. Make sure to check back in often, and add any partners who we’re working with on post-show conversations or other connected events.
Each partner listed in this section should link to their website, if they have one.
- Connectivity should prepare the list of resources and action steps as we approach opening night. Be sure to check in with them to see if they need support!
- Since that list will likely come after the production page launches, we usually include this placeholder text:
- Check back closer to the production for a list of resources and action steps!
Thursday, Aug 11 at 12am
Name of Event
Subtitle or Names of Guests
Event description text. Keep it short and sweet!
As A Heads Up
If a production doesn't have Branch Out With C1 events
you can delete this second purple events section from the front end DIVI Visual Builder, and keep just the partner events & conversations section. You can also customize the two event section names!
This full section should be edited on the back end text fields, with one exception:
If we are working with an equity actor or a union designer, be sure to include the following in this section (and the symbol beside their names):
*Member of Actors’ Equity Association
^ Member of United Scenic Artists, Local USA 829
Before you have production photos, use this placeholder text:
Check back soon for photos of the production!
When you’re ready to add photos, click “+” under this section, choose “Add From Library” and select “Production Photo Gallery,” delete existing photos and add new ones.
Make sure to include photo credits in the photo file title! Then add this text, with the photographer name:
Photos by [Photographer Name].
Click each thumbnail to enlarge.
Before you have lobby photos, use this placeholder text:
Check back soon for photos of the lobby experience!
When you’re ready to add photos, click “+” under this section, choose “Add From Library” and select “Production Photo Gallery,” delete existing photos, and add new ones.
No need for photo credits if these were taken by you or the dramaturgy / connectivity teams. Then update this text:
Audience members had the opportunity to respond to [number of] questions on our lobby response board:
– Add the text of each question as bullet points here.
– Add photos of 8-16 of the best responses.
Click each thumbnail to enlarge.
This section should include links to all press that mentions us, even articles we’re not including on the press slider above. Below are examples of how to format the links and quotes:
July 7, 2022: Dorchester Reporter, “At Strand This Month: the politics of Black hair, community activism”
“Playwright Francisca Da Silveira, a Cape Verdean American, is based in Boston and calls both Dorchester and Roxbury home. ‘I grew up walking by the Strand every single day, most likely either running after the No. 17 or the No. 15 bus,’ she said. Now, she is seeing her dream of having a play at the Strand come true.”
June 17, 2022: WBUR, “16 theater productions to see in Boston and beyond this summer”
“What’s most noticeable, though, is that many stories coming to the stage this summer are about significant change, from life-altering diagnoses to secrets, gentrification and displacement.”